Digital Library of
Indigenous Science
Introduction Scope Statement How to Use DLISR Participate in DLISR Credits Feedback

IMPORTANT NOTE:  As a result of Snowchange website redesign, the links to proceedings that come up in a DLISR search no longer work properly.  We apologize for the temporary loss of Snowchange resources.  Snowchange and Tapestry are working together to restore service.

To access the library collection, enter a search term or go here. If searching for an exact phrase, it may help to enclose it in quotation marks.  Once your search return comes up with a list of possible resources, click on the url directly under a given resource title to access that particular resource. The link takes you directly to the online resource itself. To access information about a resource's author and publisher, subject areas, copyright and use information, keyword list, or other important metadata, click on the link "Full description" in the listing.

*Note* DLISR is down for approximately 30 minutes each Thursday for scheduled maintenance of the DLESE system that powers the library. If the library is down when you try to access it, simply wait 30 minutes and try again.

DLISR is produced and maintained by Tapestry Institute.
Research to develop the prototype was funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation, GEO-0417447. Continued development of the library is partially supported by ARC-0503460. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors, and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

If you or your organization can help sponsor DLISR, including the continued cataloging and collecting of resources, please contact us. DLISR is a program of the non-profit 501(c)3 organization Tapestry Institute, so all donations are tax-deductible.


Moose image © NBA Finland, 2005.
Used with Permission.



Copyright 2005-2008, Tapestry Institute Email us - dlisr at